

I. 威士忌課程與培訓班(Whisky Courses & Training)

Whiskiology創辦人Jeremy(Mr. J)為世界酒業龍頭Diageo集團旗下的威士忌學院 Diageo Whisky Academy中第一位來自香港的導師,亦是一國際酒類投資基金的顧問與一亞洲蒸餾廠的技術顧問。多年來亦與本地不同酒商、酒專、酒吧合辦無數場進階和系列性的威士忌課程。內容包括威士忌種類、威士忌歷史、威士忌製程、威士忌風土、木桶類別、品飲技巧、風味判斷、質素鑒賞等等。以每年的學員數量算,應該算香港威士忌教育第一人。若酒商有興趣自定課程(包括前線員工培訓),歡迎電郵洽談。其他課程資訊請留意FB專頁

Jeremy (a.k.a. Mr. J), founder of Whiskiology, is the Hong Kong’s first qualified mentor of the international Diageo Whisky Academy (DWA). As a professional programme provided by the world’s leading multinational beverage alcohol group, DWA has already trained over 30,000 participants in the Greater China area. On top of being an instructor at DWA, Jeremy is also the consultant of an international beverage investing fund, as well as the technical consultant of an Asian distillery. Over the years, Jeremy has also partnered with countless wines & spirits cellars, bars, and sommeliers in organizing advanced and systematic whisky courses. Topics include: Variety of whisky, History of whisky, Production, Terroir, Different casks, Tasting technique, Classification of flavours, Evaluation, etc. Should you be interested in our customizable courses (including frontline staff training), you are very welcome to contact us and discuss. For the details about our other courses, please follow our FB Page “HERE” for the latest update.

II. 威士忌品酒會與餐酒到會(Whisky Tasting & Catering)

除了較嚴肅的專業課程,Whiskiology也提供輕鬆(fun & chill)的品酒會與餐酒到會。多年來亦是無數公司TGIF、Team-building、商務交流活動、私人派對的選擇。隨著近年威士忌熱潮的年輕化和普及化,越來越多商務或私人活動都喜歡加入一點威士忌元素,若有興趣籌辦品酒會或訂定餐酒到會,Whiskiology必然是你的最佳選擇!形式和酒單等都可電郵洽談。

In addition to our more academically directed courses, Whiskiology also provide casual whisky tasting, catering, and dinner services. Through the years, we have helped numerous cooperates’ TGIFs, Team-buildings, Business networking events, and Private parties. As the whisky boom being more popular in recent years, the demand to integrate whisky element into business and private events has surged, Whiskiology is your best choice! Please feel free to discuss the format and dram list with us.

III. 酒吧餐館藏酒設計(Whisky Shelf Designing Service)


Today, whisky is truly a global phenomenon. Bars and restaurants are in need to increase their whisky collection to satisfy consumers’ rising demand. In light of this, Whiskiology started to provide a new service since 2019. We utilize professional whisky knowledge and analyze latest market trends to help clients select the most suitable bottles for their shelves. Furthermore, customized staff training will also be provided along relevant bottles. If your bars or restaurants are interested in installing a whisky section on the shelves, but have no idea about what bottles to pick, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

其他顧問服務,可直接與我們洽商。Please contact us for other consultancy services.

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